The Parish Council is an advisory body of parishioners established to consult with the pastor and recommend the direction of parish activities in keeping with the parish mission. Three members are selected annually to serve staggered three-year terms. All parishioners are welcome to attend the meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month, September through June, at 7:00 pm.
Pastoral Council Chair:
The Parish Finance Council was established as directed by the Diocese of Tucson and as required by the Code of Canon Law # 537.
Made up of parishioners of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, the Parish Finance Council is an advisory group whose duty is to assist the Pastor and Parish Administrator in the administration of the property and finances of the Parish. Finance Council members are appointed by the Parish Administrator. The Council assists with preparation of the annual parish budget, and review all monthly and annual financial statements, revenues and expenditures.
Finance Council Chair: Joel Olea
Members: Aida Urbieta, Scott Wiley, Deacon Oscar Chavez, Mr. Ricardo Jaramillo and Fr. Manuel Fragoso Carranza.