"Put yourself at the disposal of the Church. It needs you. You are its future."
- Pope John Paul II
Parishioners of Immaculate Conception are invited to participate in our parish in many ways. Listed are some of the opportunities that you may find personally and spiritually rewarding:
Barbara Costa, Sydney Chavez, Mary Montana
assist the priests and deacons during the Mass or liturgical service. Boys and girls ages 9-18 who have already received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Altar Server Trainers are Gus & Tracey Trujillo (English) and Ana Lugo (Spanish).
assists bishops, priests, and deacons in distributing the Body of Christ and the Precious Blood.
A person with the talent of proclaiming clearly and intelligibly the Holy Scripture in the celebration of the Eucharist and other liturgies where the word of God is proclaimed.
Choir and musicians sing and play at weekend Masses and for special occasions. The head of the Music Ministry is Deacon Oscar Chavez.
Assist in seating parishioners at mass; take up a collection and distribute bulletins before and after Mass; welcome/facilitate physical needs of parishioners.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process of welcoming new members into the Catholic Church. It is for those men and women who have not been baptized or received First Eucharist or Confirmation in the Catholic Church. Its main purpose is to assist prospective Catholics in their journey to become active church members.
From kindergarten through eighth grade, preparation for sacraments of First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation; develops Catholic and Christian faith through ongoing education.